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Madonna | Dinner Napkins

Sale price$12.00
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INSPIRATION: In Latin, Madonna means Our Lady. But this title has many other connotations beyond its strict translation. We think of Mary primarily as mother - a mother oftentimes depicted tenderly cradling her infant son shrouded by a blue mantle. Deeply rooted in Catholic symbolism, the blue of Mary's cloak has been interpreted to represent her purity, her virginity, and her royalty. 

This collection pays tribute to that paradigmatic depiction of Madonna and child. It is timeless just as Mary transcends the ages, and the deep blue is emblematic of the riches that abound under the protection of our Mother's mantle.

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: These dinner napkins come in a set of 4, 20” square. They are hand block printed on percale cotton, which is a wrinkle resistant, very soft but durable material.

Madonna | Dinner Napkins
Madonna | Dinner Napkins Sale price$12.00

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